What does it take to work in Dubai?

Working in Dubai

Working in Dubai is the dream of many who wish to live in a modern city full of opportunities. However, there are many questions about how to undertake this new project and what is required to make it a reality. The most important thing when thinking about to work in Dubai, is if you have knowledge of the English language. The emirate is one of the most important financial and economic centers in the world, and although its first language is Arabic, English is the language of the entire city and 71% of its population, coming from different countries of the world. If your level of English is very basic, you may have some difficulty in finding a job in Dubai and it is best if you opt to initially migrate with an English course that will allow you to learn and improve the language while you have the opportunity to work. Read here how to avoid scams when looking for a job in Dubai If you want complete information about this destination, the English course or higher education course that best suits your needs, contact us at! We also guide you on how to plan your trip from scratch, how to project your academic and professional career in the city.

What do students need in order to work in Dubai?

Working in Dubai, job search recommendations There are several advantages related to studying and working in Dubai. While there are possibilities to find a job at a basic/intermediate level, most companies and employers are much more interested in people who are fluent in the language. In this sense, the most important thing when emigrating, if you do not have the language, is that you combine the option of studying English and working in Dubai., This will allow you to acquire knowledge and a more complete linguistic experience than people who simply decide to learn it for the simple fact of being forced to carry out a paid activity. As for the documentation you need, the first thing you must do is to apply for an electronic visa, which takes 2 to 5 weeks. For this you only need a form, a passport, a photo and the complete payment of the English course. Something very striking about this destination is that you do not need a financial solvency or money in an account to apply for the visa, and once you are there, after the completion of the course, there is the possibility of changing it for a work visa. Currently, there are two types of study visas, the first one is short term if your course is up to 31 weeks, and the second one is long term if your course is 32 weeks or more. The latter gives you multiple benefits, among them 1 year of residency, which means that you can choose to study and work in Dubai for 8 months and 3 months left to look for a job offer and change your visa. 

How to find a job in Dubai?

The ideal time for you to travel is between September and March, which is when most tourists visit the city and there is greater demand in the tourism and gastronomic sector, which employs the majority of students. Your level of English will also determine how long it will take you to get a job. The command of the language is the key to open doors to job opportunities and the better your English, the more possibilities you will have to grow and progress as a professional. Taking into account the above, the first thing you should do is to arrive in Dubai with your resume (CV) translated into English. The most advisable would be to have two, one focused on working in the hotel and restaurant sector, and another more in line with your profession, in case your level of English is good.

Where to look for a job in Dubai?

If you are a student or a person looking for a job in Dubai, there are several ways to start your job search. Here are some of the most famous and effective ones: 1. Recruiters in schools Educational institutions in Dubai encourage meetings between students and companies to make it easier for you to find a job. Once you arrive in the city, your school will inform you about when these meetings will take place and give you tips on how to succeed in the recruitment process. 2. Dubizzle This is perhaps one of the most effective and easy to use job search engines. In it you can find different types of job offers, depending on the sector, industry, position or keyword. The descriptions of the job offers in Dubai are quite detailed and you have the option to upload your resume. In addition to being a job search portalYou can search for rentals and sales of apartments, as well as other types of property. 3. Indeed This is an international portal and one of the most famous ones for job search in different industries. Recommended mainly for people who have a high intermediate and advanced level. In it you can find offers for working in Dubai ranging from receptionist to project manager. When you register, select only the potential options you have according to your profile and upload your updated resume to the platform so that you have a better chance of being found by recruiters. 4. LinkedIn The world-renowned platform for the employment of qualified personsIf you have a fluent level of English, work experience and certified courses, it can be an excellent option to get a job in Dubai. Update your profile, make sure it is in English, that it has no grammatical errors and that it is focused on the job you want to have. This is your cover letter to be able to working in Dubai. 5. Facebook There are several groups on Facebook where you can also find job offers in Dubai. Search for them as: "Jobs in Dubai" or "Vacancies in Dubai". You can also join the group Boom Studies Dubai where, in addition to job offers, you will find updated and useful information about the city. This is probably the best option if you are looking for casual jobs, where communicative English, university degrees and work experience are not required.

What can you work in Dubai?

At this point, you should already know that most people who travel to study and work are working in Dubai, get jobs related to tourism and gastronomy, however, the city also has a great demand for people with knowledge and experience in systems engineering, marketing, sales, and graphic design. Normally, the time you can take to find a job, after your arrival in the emirate, ranges from 1 to 3 months. And as we have mentioned, this will largely depend on your level of English. On average, an unskilled job can be paid USD$550 and the employer provides accommodation, transportation and food. However, according to the experience of many students, these types of jobs are mainly intended for people from Asia. The salary you could start with, coming from western countries is USD$900. And you can be employed as a cashier, receptionist, waiter, barista, bartender, nanny, among others.

How to start the process of studying and living in Dubai?

At Boom Studies we can provide you with complete advice on the English course or higher education that best suits your needs. We can also guide you on how to plan your trip from scratch, how to plan your academic and professional career. Contact us and start the most exciting adventure of your life!

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