Public transport in Malta will be free of charge from October onwards

More information about public transport in Malta

Free public transport in Malta? From October all Maltese residents and citizens will have the benefit of accessing public transport without having to pay a single cent.

The measure so long awaited by the workers and users of the bus system (Tallinja), will go into effect to reduce the use of private cars and traffic on the island's roads.

Currently, residents with a Malta Transport Card have access to the service at preferential rates: €0.75 each way and €2.50 for night buses.

Residents who want to access the free public transport service in Malta must have a tallinja transport card.

Will public transport in Malta be free for students as well?

Yes, in fact, transportation in Malta is already free for students. The Maltese government has been subsidizing this service for several months.

Boom Studies will help you with these formalities and all the planning of your trip. Contact us via WhatsApp to access all the benefits and opportunities that Malta has to offer.

Will it also be free for tourists?

No, tourists will have to assume the costs per trip: €1.50 in winter, €2.00 in summer and €3.00 for night buses.

What if I am a resident but do not have or forgot my card?

You will have to assume the cost per trip: €1.50 in winter, €2.00 in summer and €3.00 for night buses.

Where can I get my tallinja transportation card?

You must register on the official website of the transportation company, make the registration payment and wait one or two weeks to receive your card at your accommodation.

Do you want to study and work in Malta?

En Boom Studies podemos brindarte asesoría gratuita para cumplir tu sueño de trabajar y estudiar en Malta. 

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