7 celebrities who speak bad English

Politicians and celebrities who speak bad English

It is hard to believe that there are celebrities who speak bad English, with the extensive choice of English courses and teaching methods around the world.

However, making mistakes when learning a new language is normal. Mistakes are part of the learning process and are also a way to measure our progress.

The difficulties of celebrities with English show us that challenges in learning a second language are commonplace, and can only be overcome with education, effort and persistence.

If you are one of those people who want to learn and overcome linguistic challenges, at Boom Studies we offer a range of courses in Ireland, Dubai, Canada y Malta you may be interested in.

7 celebrities who speak bad English

Lucho Diaz

The Colombian soccer player, who plays as a winger for Liverpool in England's Premier League, tops the list of celebrities who speak bad English.

He made headlines this week for the difficulties he went through for not knowing English and trying to communicate with his team's coach, Jürgen Klopp.

Koop said publicly that he did not understand him at all when he asked him about his experience on the field playing against the Portuguese soccer team Benéfica.

Nicolas Maduro

The Venezuelan president has been mocked on several occasions for his limited knowledge of English.

His unsuccessful attempts to send messages to U.S. leaders in the English language have made him news. One of the most remembered was "Hands off Venezuela de inmediati".

Sergio Ramos

He is one of the best footballers in Spain and the world, but English is undoubtedly not one of his talents.

Although he manages to communicate in the language, his videos speaking English have gone viral because of some mistakes and mispronunciation.

Enrique Pena Nieto

The former president of Mexico has been the talk of the town several times for his struggles with English in public speeches.

Criticism focused throughout his tenure and mainly on his poor pronunciation.

Pedro Castillo

The current president of Peru may be on the list of celebrities who speak bad English and those who don't speak the language at all.

Castillo confused the attendees of the World Economic Forum with an answer in Spanish that had nothing to do with the answer given in English.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

The former president and current vice-president of Argentina is also one of those who highlighted the difficulties celebrities can face when trying to communicate in English.

On the internet there are a couple of videos of Kirchner speaking in 'Spanglish', a term used to refer to a hybrid language between English and Spanish, generally used by those who are not fluent in English.

Alexis Sanchez

One of Chile's top soccer players and sports figures, he is the last on our list of celebrities who speak bad English.

Despite not being fluent in English, the player has improved his language skills since his first interview in English.

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